Rojak with sotong slice

Famous Cendol in Jalan Pasar,Pudu

This uncle can converse in cantonese, well known cendol since i'm in primary school, still remember the time mama brought me to Pasar Pudu, we enjoy the cendol together. Delicious~

Friendship Market " 友谊商店 ", we(mama & I) use to shopping around this market when i'm small, reasonable price & with air-cond. But due to high competitive world outside, peoples use to shopping in more comfortable , brilliant shopping mall rather than this market. This market already closed down.

seem a little bit like HK "金鱼街 ". Any fish u like, you can find it here with cheap price.
ya! i remember when we were small, mama always bring us to Jln pudu shopping.
I remember also, baba & mama bought me KFC drumstick.
I remember Christmas day present- Transformer Robot from Santa at Golden River.
Thats d best memories for me at that area.
hehe, ya loh, gege , lot of memories in tender years & lot of transformer collection by ur own pocket money(really salute u, know how to biz when u in std 5 & 6)
That is really sweet memories when u earn to bought the toys by your own efforts.
i bought the bus tickets for u & mum already. king chun help me to found cheaper price at $30 each compare to another bus company $45 each.
economic recession going to reach already, try to save more money to stand by for uncertainty.
My boss told me that next year may be more suffer than this few month, prepare our self to close whatever or whichever project even it is low profit to earn.
thank you very much, quite a anticipating trip with mama & our family gathering....
it would be another economic downtime, all world share price drop dramstically.
ya, must save for uncertainty also beside enjoying, but its really happy & we should cherish the time for a family trip.
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