Earnest Cultivation yields fruitful harvests
生耕致富( 为生活奋斗努力耕耘才能达到幸福与财富)
(the words behind me, very meaningful!)

许愿树, I wrote down my wishes in a card & hang on the branches of this tree.

my dearest lecturer who taught me managing people paper(Ms.Wong), follow by fei ling, exter & swee har)

creative maker (Ox year 2009)

another tree which fulled with peoples wishes & dreams
(wish they dream come true)

Dutch Lady Milk Industries Bhd sponsor FGS for the cutie giant cow in FGS, there are DL stalls which sold for newly launch milks and yogurt drinks too.

This is another tree which pray for peace, good health and well being.

All living is equal in this world

Nature's Recipe Cafe(vegetarian)
No.12,Jalan 8/1E,46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Tel: 03-7957 6386
Thanks to my lecturer & pals for this loving day in FGS, eventhough tyre puncture on the way back from Banting which we heading to PJ for our lunch. Thank God we have some one who help us ( kesas highway staffs & toll free tokio marine staffs). Tokio marine staffs are efficient & coming within 30 minutes time. Please be careful & drive slowly because there are many big holes which heading to FGS.
It's impressive for me to see trees with many cards. We also have same things only in 七夕, on July 7th.
I can't imagine New years holidays with hot weather haha.
i see, the weather during CNY is always "hot hot hot", if raining then will be abnormal for us!
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