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Puttaparthi, once a sparsely populated village, has shot into national and international fame as the abode of Bhagwan Sri Satya Sai Baba. The original name of Sai Baba is "Satyanarayana Raju". He was born on November 23, 1926 in Puttaparthi
Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the most colourful and multifaceted prophet, modern India has produced, is believed to be the very avatar (incarnation) of love and the voice of one's own innermost heart speaking to each individual externally. The teachings of the Baba are based on the famous 'five props' of Sathya (truth), Dharma (righteousness) Santhi (peace), Prema (universal love) and Ahimsa (non violence).
Prasanthi Nilayam, over the years, has attracted people from all over then world. The Ashram has a code of conduct which every visitor should follow. The Ashram also has museums, stadiums, educational institutions, the Sai Space Theatre etc. The 23rd of November is celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm by the devotees of Baba at the Prasanthi Nilayam.
Over a million people gather here on the occasion of the Baba's birthday. The atmosphere around the Ashram is undeniably peaceful, and the growth of such a vibrant community in this once forgotten backward area is not a small miracle.
His disciples have constructed the 'Prashanti Nilayam' an ashram, which attracts large number of devotees throughout the year. Prasahanti Nilayam means 'the abode of peace". The ashram was inaugurated in 1950.
The ashram is a huge complex with room for thousands, with canteens, shops, a museum and library, and a vast assembly hall where Sai Baba gives 'darshan' twice daily. A considerable number of devotees turn out for his birthday celebrations in Puttaparthi, where he delivers a message to his devotees.
~I feel happy & honour that I have a chance to explore myself again in a different country..this time coming to India, the main purpose is for pilgrimage tour.. A great opportunity to know baba,his character to serve all & love all but no hurt to anyone...learning to be more patience, learn to be a simple person, to serve others as our family, give more smile to peoples around....
~India is an IT hub which have a lot of IT expert & professional...but at the same time, India have a lot of poors also... We do donate some money to the poors & for medical relief fund...don't look down for a little energy, it can accumulated to a very strong power....
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