1. Properly care for your contact lenses every time you take them out and leave them in the case for an extended amount of time.
2.Wash your hands thoroughly. Use a clean towel to dry your hands- a kleenex or toilet paper may leave pieces behind. Make sure there is no soap on your hands.
3. Remove a contact from its case. Remember to check whether it is for your right or left eye. (Unless the prescription is the same.)
4. Place the contact on your index finger of the hand you will be applying the contact with. You should probably use your dominant hand. Make sure that all the outside edges are face up and none are sticking to your finger. If the rim points out slightly instead of up, the lens is probably inside-out.
5.Use the index finger of your opposite hand to pull up your upper eyelid. Use the middle finger of your dominant hand with the contact on it to pull your lower eyelid down. When you become experienced with this method, you will be able to do this by only pulling down your lower eyelid.
6. Keep your eye open and try not to blink.Move the contact towards your eye calmly and steadily. It may help to look upwards. Try not to blink or move jerkily. Place the contact on your eye and gently move it so it is centered over your iris (circular, colored part of the eye). Make sure to let go of the bottom first!
7. Letting go of the top first can sometimes lead to leaving tiny air bubbles against your eye which may sometimes hurt!
8. Blink slowly, as to not dislodge the contact. Take note of any pain or discomfort you may have. If you think that something may be wrong with your contact, remove and fully cleanse it, then try again.
9. Repeat with the other contact.
10. Pour contact solution from the case into the sink and close the contact case.
1. Put in your contact lenses before applying makeup to avoid contaminating your contact lenses. At the end of the day, remove your contact lenses before removing any eye makeup. (The rubbing motion used to remove makeup may rip or tear the contact.)
2. You may get frustrated if you don't get the contact in right away. Just wait a couple minutes and give it another try! It is easier to get the second contact in.
If the contact falls out of your eye rinse it off completely with contact solution every time. Bending over the sink is a good idea because you can find a contact if you drop it. Just make sure to close up the drain first. A good, clean mirror is also useful especially if it has magnification.
3. It'll be easier to put on a contact if you attempt to do it with your optometrist or ophthalmologist first. Usually it is a requirement, but if not, suggest it. If you think that the contact does not fit your eye, talk to your doctor. He or she can probably order you another brand or type of contact. Remember that you will need to regularly get your eyes checked so your prescription can be updated.
4. If you're new to contacts, only wear them a few hours a day. Make sure to take them out immediately after work or school so as to give your eyes a rest. If your eyes feel dry during the day put 1-2 eye drops in- more than this could make it slide out of your eye.
5. Exposing your eyes to shower water, lake water, pool water, or smoke may irritate them. For short periods of time you can simply close your eyes, for longer periods wear your glasses or goggles.
6. If you find it difficult insert a lens without blinking, you can practice by putting a drop of solution on your finger, aiming for the white of your eye, and gently touching it.
7. Wait until your eyes get accustomed to the light in the morning before putting the contacts in. You also may want to wash off any dried mucus near your eyes.
You may find it easier to see where you're putting your finger, if you look at the reflection of the contact on your finger on your eye.
8. Practice, practice, practice! After a week or so, you'll get the hang of it.
1. Never rinse your contacts in regular tap water- this will just make them dirty or drier than before. Tap water and even purified water contain bacteria.
2. If you begin to experience unusual pain, even after you have removed the contact, talk to your eye doctor.
3. Do not put your contacts in inside out or if they have small tears or rips.
4. Always remove your contacts prior to sleeping unless you are prescribed extended wear contacts by your doctor. Sleeping with your contacts in may save time but it can cause a corneal ulcer on your eye! With sensitive eyes it will affect you immediately, causing pain and aversion to light the next day, but it will catch up to others in the end. If you must simply throw away your contacts before you go to sleep. If you have a sterile container and contact solution this is a good substitute for a case. If you forget you may have to wear sunglasses (keep a prescription pair handy) the next day. It may be difficult to wear your contacts the day after.
5. Contacts require more upkeep than glasses- you have to clean them and put them away every night. However glasses can get in the way during physical activity or daily activities. Thoroughly review your decision before switching to contacts.
6. Never put hand sanitizer on before putting in or taking out your contacts. (But do wash your hands!)
Things You'll Need
1. Mirror
2. Contacts
3. Contact solution
4. Contact case
5. Pair of glasses should something happen to your contacts
6. Eye drops for re-wetting itchy eyes
7. Travel sized contact solution
~Gege's wedding dinner is coming, to make a perfect, i try to wear contact lens during dinner night. But before the time coming, i must pratice how to wear & remove my contact lens. On monday, pinky accompany me to focus point to choose a daily lens for trial.
Unfortunately, the sales person said " there is no trial here". You have to buy a minimum of 5 pairs of daily lens = RM 35. Since its not too expensive.Thus, i decided to buy it for trial. Then ,they check the power of my eyes & choose the most suitable lens for me.
First at all, thousand thanks to Richard because he is very patience teaching me how to wear & remove the lens. The do & don't & other tips regarding contact lens.
The practice session start at 6pm ended on 8pm, about two hours just to wear a pairs of contact lens. Thanks to the professional spirit of the sales person, thanks to myself for not giving up.It was hard for me cos' when the lens near to my eye,my eye will blink.I keep on trying & trying + the sales person is kind. I finally make it up.~yeah. Today is the second time i wear it. About half and hours to wear it. I feel some uncomfortable on my eyes but comfortable on my nose cos' didn't wear spec.
Good job!!
I don't still like my contact lenses because my eyes get allergic after putting them on my eyes...Right after coming back to home, I put them off quickly.
thanks kaori!
cos' i'm not so familiar with putting in so each time try very hard & patiently, finally can get in! huh~ my brother wedding dinner just passed last sunday, now i wear spec again~ still leave one more pair, will wear in on my cousin sister wedding on next month~
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