Wow, so secure, bicycle also need to lock with tyre. In Malaysia, it's rare to look people with their bicycle bacause normally we use motorbike or car to work, since the public transport is not perfect & well controlled as in S'pore, many places still not equipped with public transport like LRT, monorail or KTM services. As for me, i travel to LRT station by car, then take train to interchange station & take another train-monorail to work. Seem a little bit tiring, but many peoples use to it. We scared of jam & the car parking is expensive.
Very rare incident as compare with KL, we normally park our car near LRT station but they park their bicycles~ oh wow, quite an environment loving country, vehicle well control country to prevent jam & air pollution.
can you see the "ERP", this is actually our country "toll", they use electronic system like our "smart tag system", you need to top up ur tag & put inside your car, whenever you travel in the city or parking your car , the ERP system will automatic deduct from your tag.
Singapore utilise no workman ship toll system & parking system, all automatically deduct from ERP sytem. Everything well controlled by the government, they charged a higher fee for the peak hour who travel to city & lower fee for people who travel after the working hour (8pm) in town to prevent traffic jam.
Convenient MRT system in S'pore

Chinatown complex in S'pore, we bought a lot of things here especially my mom, she bought preserved duck eggs, mushroom, dry shark fins, handbags, blankets, handkerchiefs & towels.
For peoples who earns money in S'pore & consume in S'pore, the sundries consider cheaper than M'sia. One bowl of noodles in M'sia around RM4 but Sin 2.5 in S'pore, newspaper in S'pore sin 0.8 but RM1 to RM1.3 in M'sia.

Chinatown in S'pore ( alike petaling street in KL)
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