A brand new motor just purchase early of the month, not fully one month, already get stolen.
How do i found out ?
When i prepare to get my car to work, i notice that my brother motor is not around, then i told my mummy just beside me, mummy go around for the motor but finally don't get it. We do have the strong feeling that the motor get stolen. Mummy immediately call brother who still sleeping & later on he certified his motor really lost.
Why ?
Our area is the popular with the criminal break in cases, motor stolen, car Hi-fi stolen.....
We have told our dear brother to add one more extra lock to protect his new motor but he just ignore it, because we do know that nowadays the public security is very sick, anything can happen especially he just purchase the " new yamaha motor" which is the favourite stolen type .
Isn't the punishment for him for ignoring the advices from us ? or his faith or bad luck ?
Now the only thing is report to the police that motor stolen, but i just knew it even though motor stolen, instalment still have to pay on time every month and eventhough insurance bought, the reimbursement of the insurance have to wait for " 1 year " cos of the procedure & searching .....
i can feel the sadness through phone from my little brother, but i do hope he can learn from this experience, seriously take care what people told him, immediately done what should be done, no delay, otherwise this incident won't happen so fast , not even one month he ride his new motor...
He did not really care about this motor before thing happened as mother told me he not even pay a single dollar or cent for this motorbike.
It true also as i re-calculate the trade in of my motor is RM1200 add my sponsor for him are total RM1700. Add in yours & mother's RM800 are total: RM2500.00.
Deposit & downpayment is only RM2000.00, he still get back cash from my WKQ3432 around RM500.
But now, thing different is:
He lost my old motorbike & his new motorbike.
He no need to pay for any installment for my bike whereas he need to pay installment some more beside the motor was stolen!
Actually a double "headache" for him!
Anyway, its really a lesson for him, 不听老人言,吃亏在眼前! but what we need to do is to encourage him how to recover from this incident, of course need he him self to do it if not, he might not learn from this!
By the way, what is the motor number plate?
WRJ 3448 black & red Yamaha T110
yalol, really dun know how to appreciate things, only know how to destroy thing , hahah still remember last time u use ur saving to buy all those toys, transformer, carefully play & arrange, then later on all damages because ur little brother careless & without care of it.
now he use to drive 1700 but her Gf seem not really get use on it, so he borrow my kenari sometimes, hopefully he learn a lesson from this, must take care & appreciate wat he have...
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