Venue :Bukit Tabur 3 @ Zoo Negara exit(Atv adventure park)
Date : 17 Nov'2010
Time meet : 7am
Time start : 8am
Time finish : 12pm ++
first time join my colleague & his friends for hiking
normally din join him cos' he & his friends seem professional hikers
hiking all the mountains & hills which is not easy
hiking time from morning till evening....
this time he said "in & out" take about 2 to 3 hours...
so i think is not difficult as what he hike before
so take this oppurtunity to try the new place
wow......really nice view....fresh air....adventurous
where some place really dangerous & exciting.....
cos' is rainy seasons...some places are soft....n muddy....
have to be careful..& better wear hiking shoes...
otherwise u may fall down very easily....
i'm not wearing the correct shoe....i wear running shoe....
i really fall down few times....ai......
this hiking really not easy...not as easy as "broga hill, saga hill,ah pek hill"...
not only hiking just by normal walking...but u have to climb by both of your hand...
we din prepare anything...so just climb by empty hair without gloove...
my hands are pain....got some place where you have to hold the rope so tight to climb up to uppper level...
the sunshine....the rock...the bush....the twig.....the dam....genting highland...
wow...unbelievable...we saw "Genting Highland" so obvious.....
& the nice dam view....housing area.....
the "carpet grass"...i named it by myself...cos it really comfortable like carpet...
so green.....cutie....comfortable...
hehheheh.....it do take many efforts lo...
climb up to top....sweating....clothes are dirt with mud....
some more after reach the top....
finally have to follow back the same route to back home....
my hands & legs are hurt...my muscle are pain.....
already pass five days...but can feel that my palm still feel a little pain...
hahhahaha....use too much of effort during climbing i think....
reserve some energy...this sunday morning will go for last marathon of the year 2010.........ganbadei!!!