詞 :星雲大師
曲 :黎升銘/YEAN
唱 :黎升銘
財神是誰? 財神是我
雙手努力 奮發賺錢
財神是誰? 財神是我
雙腿勤勞 開發財源
財神是誰? 財神是我
頭腦清楚 智慧靈巧
求人很難 求神更難
財神是誰? 財神是我
耳聰目明 滿面笑容
多說好話 向人示好
另類財富 都是我的財神爺
Chinese new year is coming, we can heard a lot of CNY songs around us...
" Cai Shend Ye "(God of prosperity) is one of hottest CNY songs cos chinese like to gamble , and they may thinking of "cai sheng ye" will bless them by giving them some fortune, can turn them to be a millionaire. Thats why you can see a lot of innocent people will try their luck to casino in genting during CNY, hoping that "cai sheng ye" will bless them to get a some " cai"....
Hahah, its very funny , Chinese like to gamble, indian like to drink alcohol...
Whether "KTM"(Kuda,Toto,Magnum), Mahjong, playing cards,and even worst casino...
Chinese just wanna try their luck, why they can depend on their own self....
This lyris by "xin yun tai shi" is telling us that
The actual "cai sheng ye" is ourself,
we depend our hand, our energy to work hard to earn the money
althought wanna to try luck & depend to god,
why dun we depend on our self,a clear mind , determination & happiness
to achieve the goal (gold) by ourself...
Happy new year to everyone and hopefully everyone working hard to achieve gold but don't depend on "cai sheng ye" will pass you some fortune....