
Sunday, November 18, 2007

Other reporting matters

Director statement of responsibilities

1. True & fair view of financial statement
2. Income & expenses whether or not incurred in that period
3.Going concern of the financial statement
4.Estimate & judgement are consistent
5.Records completed & comply with requirement

Solution to overcome expectation

1. Contents of audit report
2. directors sttement of responsibilities
3. corporate governance & internal control& risk management

Opening balances & comparatives

1. Appropriate b/d
2. Accounting policy comply with
3. Agree with preceding period financial statement


~Will~ said...

your company have lots of ruling.
Accounting ruling & information.
Details, approprite & accuracy are the accounting basic rules.

exter said...

this is my syallabus in my audit paper not my Co. rules...
but frankly speaking all a/c should follow the rules